Learn Why Aluminum Shoring is Preferred by Trench Workers

Aluminum Shoring is the preferred safety equipment when it comes to trench work. Companies all across the company have begun using hydraulic vertical shores to keep trench workers safe. These shoring products are lighter and easier to transport than traditional trench box safety equipment, making them perfect for plumbers, municipal workers, utility companies, or other companies who do trench work. These unique products will benefit workers through increased safety and ease of use. Read further for more information about how Hydraulic Vertical Shores can benefit your trench workers.
Prevent Unfortunate Accidents
Safety is key when it comes to your workers completing trench work. Soil collapsing can damage equipment or cause injury to people in your work force. By properly installing hydraulic vertical shores in your trench, your workers will have peace of mind knowing that the trench walls are fully supported to prevent them from collapsing on them. With the stability of these vertical shores, your workers will be able to complete the work more quickly.
Simple Set Up Saves Time
The way hydraulic vertical shores are designed makes them easy to assemble and set up by a single worker. The process only requires two shores, a pump can, a release hook, and a release tool, allowing your workers to prep the trench properly and get to work without delays.
Lightweight and Easy to Transport
Traditional trench boxes tend to be bulky and heavy, making transporting, assembling, and taking them down significant, time-consuming chores. Their bulk and weight also create logistical problems that could potentially cause injuries to workers attempting to lift them. Hydraulic Vertical Shores are made of lightweight aluminum with a compact design that is much easier to handle. These shoring products can be assembled by fewer workers and easily transported in the back of a standard pickup or small trailer.
Hydraulic Vertical Shores provides clients throughout Southwest Michigan with the best trench safety products in the industry. These dependable shores are perfect for independent contractors who need to update their current equipment on up to larger companies who require different configurations for larger projects. Our experienced professionals are here to make sure you get all the right shores and accessories to ensure your workers are safe no matter the scope of the trench work they need to complete. Contact us and let us know how we can assist you with trench safety equipment today!